Game Animation
Asgard’s Wrath 2
Responsible for all character animation (2D effects from Envato Elements)
Responsible for wall shattering animation in cinematic
Responsible for key art posing in name card (final paint over/render by concept and character teams)
Gameplay animations shown rendered in Unreal Engine 5 using Sequencer
Personal animations / previous projects
Responsible for all character animation
Film animation
Personal Shot Work
Pirate shot: Responsible for all animation and prop rigging of barrel, sash, scope, and chair, all material/texturing, and Unreal Engine 5 lighting and sequencer rendering myself. Ship was built by Chris Kongshaug and composition/set dressing modified by myself. Prop models from Turbosquid. Coach rig base by AnimSchool and modified by myself
Injured shot: Responsible for all animation, set modeling, tennis bag rig, material/texturing outside of the character face, and Unreal Engine 5 lighting and sequencer rendering setup. Skycraper rig base by Ianimate and modified by myself.
Coffee Shop Shot: Responsible for all animation. Marina rig and set from Animschool. Lighting and rendering setup by me with Arnold.
Musical Shot: Responsible for all Animation. Set environment by Carlos Oda. Lighting and rendering setup by me with Arnold.